Monday, June 28, 2004

Odds and Sods

- My friend IWS was kind enough to update my blog to the newest version of Movable Type, which allows, among other cool features, the easy deletion of annoying spam emails trying to sell me viagra and time shares. Except....

- I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make my comments show up without needing approval first. Very annoying. So if your comment doesn't immediately show up, it's not you.

- Speaking of comments, if A. from the Highlander is still reading here, drop me a comment here, or if you can't, email me at chryse1 @ - I think I might have accidentally banned your ISP.

- I am still very much pregnant which is okay by me, because I am not nearly close to done nesting. There are closets that still need rearranging and curtains to hem and I am sure I can find more things to vaccumn if I look really hard.

- It really is amazing how much housework you can find for yourself when you are completely ruled by the little recognized obsessive compulsive hormone.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Pictures and More Pictures...

So our baby shower was this past Sunday, and we recieved oodles and oodles of things, many of which are cute and small and just so damn cute. Although everything was wonderful, I had to post some of the cuter things. Because it is all about the cuteness.

My new favorite baby outfit:

These are just too small and terribly adorable:

Tangwystl's awesome salves:

And my Mom, who has gone completely and delightfully insane, and who hasn't stopped knitting for months now.

And I know you were all waiting for another belly picture (36 weeks):

Friday, June 11, 2004

The Name Game Part Two:

So, after many late night summit meetings, clandestine treaties and only a little crying, we have come up with both three boy and girl names that we can mull over for the next month.

Of course, we still need to figure out middle names....

Boy Names:

Girl Names

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

The Name Game

My big fear right now isn't the pain of labour, or even the Stepford Wife nightmares that plague my nights. I'm afraid our poor baby is going to end up nameless. Apparently something about pregnancy has rewired my body chemistry and every name on the planet makes me want to vomit. I can't imagine any name special enough to grace my precious bundle of joy for their entire life. It doesn't help that as soon as I find a name I might like, my husband declares it awful. If the planets align and the stars collide and we actually manage to agree on a name, within seconds it becomes the trendiest name on the planet, and then I have to start all over again.

So here is the tentative name list...

Potential Names for the Little Precious Mutant Alien:

Boy Names:

Declan - celtic
means: Irish saint
Pro: Original, yet an actual name somewhere on the planet. Didn't just string some random letters together. Goes nicely with my stepson's name.
Con: A little on the "I must embrace my long lost celtic heritage because it's trendy dontcha know" side.

Riley - celtic
means: a small stream
Pro: Not quite trendy, not quite obscure. Simple, and goes well with the complicated last name.
Con: Becoming a very popular girls name. My husband hates it on the irrational basis that he thinks I am trying to name our child after characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He also thinks we shouldn't name our child after a Buffy character that I have been referring to as "Captain Cardboard" for the last few years.

Findlay/Finn - celtic
means: blond haired soldier
Pro: Makes me think of sailing down makeshift rafts on lazy summer days. Fairly uncommon.
Con: Sounds cute on a child, not so sure about a thirty five year old.
Cameron - celtic
means: bent nose
Pro: We actually agree on this name.
Con: Once we decided we both liked this name it immediately became one of the trendier boys names. Went from #80 on the most popular names list to #25 in three years. Don't want him to spend his entire school career being "Cameron H."

Girl Names:

Deirdre - celtic
means: sad one
Pro: Pretty without being too flowery. Fairly unique but still an actual name I didn't just make up. Kind of old fashioned but not in a Bertha-esque way.
Con: Not entirely sure I can spell or pronounce it correctly on any given day. Might end up with the nickname DeeDee.

Maeve - celtic
means: goddess of song
Pro: I like how this name sounds when said outloud. Like both the diminutives Eve/Evie, and Mae. Fairly uncommon.
Con: Same as for Declan. Trendy Irish naming pitfall.

Saffron - english
means: yellow flower
Pro: Love this name beyond all reason. Not entirely sure why.
Con: My husband has a thing against naming children after plants. Naming a child Saffron might compell me to adopt a british accent and start calling everyone "sweetie darling".

Teagan - celtic
means: - little poet
Pro: Pretty, while still being simple. Unique. Sounds nice with aforementioned complicated last name.
Con: Would have to pre-enroll my fetus into exclusive private preschool so she could hang out with her peers: Ainsley, Peyton, Shelby and MacKenzie.

Moira - celtic
means: bitter
Pro: Pretty, somewhat unusual and old fashioned sounding.
Con: Make me want to adopt a Jersey accent for no good reason and pronounce it: "Mwwwwoira". I don't know why.

Sophie - greek
means: wisdom
Pro: Very pretty and feminine. Not too weird or outlandish.
Con: I've only known two people names Sophie, both of which are deeply neurotic and slightly annoying individuals.

Rowan - celtic
means: tree with red berries
Pro: Pretty, without being as flowery as "Rowena". Fairly uncommon. Might be able to slip it by the "no plant name decree".
Con: Sounds like a character from a low rent Charmed rip off. "Hi, my name is Rowan Starbright and now I will draw down the moon."