Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eight is Enough

I was cleaning the tank today, like a good little fish caretaker when I noticed something rather surprising.

Two new fish.

I know they are new additions because: a) I can count, and b) they are very, very small. Although, they are actually quite large for babies, which means they have managed to hide from me for probably a couple of weeks now. A pretty impressive feat considering how much time I spend peering at the tank. Seriously. Even the fish, with their brains the size of a lentil, are somewhat alarmed by the amount of time I spent staring at them. Of course, what choice do I have, with them just dropping babies into my lap, willy nilly? It's not like they announce they are expecting with little baby shower invites and maternity tops from Old Navy. They just leave whatever babies who manage to avoid being eaten and expect me to feed, house and keep them in little plastic castles for the next few years.

And do you think they ever say thank you? Ha!

Friday, August 15, 2008

You will be pleased to note...

... the mystery has been solved and the peppers are both sweet AND hot! It's a miracle! Actually, the real miracle is that they finally ripened. I was beginning to get bitter and resentful at how long Mother Nature felt it could jerk us around with half ripened vegetables. Tricky bitch.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Am Easily Amused

These fish have taken over a large portion of my life. I realized this once I hung up the phone after an hour long, long-distance call with my mother, where we discussed the relative merits of the fish we had brought home, and which breeds would be most compatible with both them and the size of tank we have.

An hour.

Complete with me on the laptop googling fish breeds and my mother with her "Big Book O' Fish" on the other end, spelling out latin names. This wasn't the first hour long conversation, either. It wasn't even the second. It's good to know the crazy runs straight down the maternal line.

[caption id="attachment_279" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="scary mermaid Dora"]scary mermaid Dora[/caption]

So far I have talk to fish people at pet stores, done hours of research on the internet, and changed my mind a dozen times. I have stared at the tank, observed the fish behaviour, and psychoanalyzed creatures with brains the size of couscous. All so I could decide the tank and it's inhabitants are just fine as they are, and it was time to leave well enough alone, we wouldn't want to tempt fate, why ruin a good thing, and other such axioms.

For now, anyways.

[caption id="attachment_278" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="totally awesome pirate ship, dude"]totally awesome pirate ship, dude[/caption]