Sunday, July 30, 2006

I Love My Laundry Room

Which might seem a little odd, since I have previously posted about the Mystery of the Disappearing Fish and all that it implies about the conditions of said laundry room. The nice thing about it, though, is the book exchange. Shelves and shelves of free books- most total crap- but sometimes you managed to find something interesting.

Today I found:
The Freud/Jung Letters
and Jung's:
The Psychoanalytic Years
Critique of Psychoanalysis
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconcious


Friday, July 28, 2006

It's Too Early In the Morning For This...

So one of the things I never, ever thought would happen would be my two year old pointing out the giant, freaking hickey on my neck and saying, "Boo boo Mommy? Owie. I kiss."

*shakes head*

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Well, I Find it Funny

"These researchers were convinced, and they tried to convince others, that Mandelbrot's new geometry was nature's own. They made an irrefutable impact on orthodox mathematics and physics as well, but Mandelbrot himself never gained the full respect of these communities. Even so, they had to acknowledge him. One mathematician told friends that he had awakened one night still shaking from a nightmare. In this dream, the mathematician was dead, and suddenly heard the unmistakable voice of God. "You know", He remarked, "there really was something to that Mandelbrot." "

~ Chaos, James Gleick

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Brilliant, I am Not...

It really helps when you decide to go to a movie tonight, line up a babysitter and everything - that you manage to properly read the time the movie is showing at. *smacks forehead* Oh well, I am sure I can find something else to do, and I am actually free next weekend to go to the movie at any time I should choose. Even 10 am. Although that seems excessive.

The reason I was so determined to find a babysitter tonight is due to the realization that punched me in the gut while I was standing in line at the bank yesterday. The same realization that I manage to supress for whole hours at a time.

Today would have been my sixth wedding aniversary.

I am so not spending it home alone getting increasingly despondent over a relationship that has, quite frankly, ended for the best.

I won't, damnit.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Firemen - Totally Sexy

Yeah, so sitting here, drinking a glass of iced tea, when suddenly I hear the fire alarms going off. Smell smoke, check out the hallway, grab the baby and head downstairs. The garbage shed attached to the back of our building was on fire. Fun times. Back inside, hoping Teagan will fall asleep again, and very glad my apartment didn't burn down four days before my insurance kicks in.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Math Makes Me Hot

"Clouds are not spheres, Mandelbrot is fond of saying. Mountains are not cones. Lightning does not travel in a straight line. The new geometry mirrors a universe that is rough, not rounded, scabrous, not smooth. It is a geometry of the pitted, pocked, and broken up, the twisted, tangled and intertwined. The understanding of nature's complexity awaited a suspicion that the complexity was not just random, not just accident. It requires a faith that the interesting feature of a lightning bolt's path, for example, was not it's direction, but rather the distribution of zigs and zags. Mandelbrot's work made a claim about the world, and the claim was that such odd shapes carry meaning. The pits and tangles are more than blemishes distorting the classic shapes of Euclidian geometry. They are often the keys to the essence of a thing."

~ from Chaos, by James Gleick

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Things That Should Be Outlawed:

Babies who get up at 5:30 am.

White stretch pants.

Fluorescent lighting.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Stupid Things Make Me Laugh

From today's horoscope:

Fortune favours the brave.

Of course, sometimes it also blows the brave up, so take it for what it's worth.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Alrighty then...

So the new cabinet is so not going to work in my kitchen, which is a bummer since I will have to continue to put up with my spices cluttering up my cupboards. Well, technically the cabinet fits, but only if I don't want to open the fridge. Ah well - I think it will go into my living room to house my ever growing collection of DVD's.

Things you do when you wake up at six am and your baby isn't home yet.
- take out recycling
- wash recycling bin
- surf internet
- lay down new area rug
- throw out old area rug
- dishes
- search for screwdriver
- realize you have no one else to blame for lost screwdriver
- find screwdriver
- surf internet
- take down supports for old spice rack
- discover the wall behind supports was never painted
- consider painting
- discard painting in favour of spackling over holes made from screws holding up spice rack
- move new cabinet into place, discover it doesn't fit
- wonder what the hell to do with new cabinet
- go to buy a coffee, remember once standing outside Tim Horton's that it is closed for renovations
- buy water instead
- realize water is good for you, but tastes like water
- measure picture you smashed in last move three years ago so you can order new glass
- congratulate self for finding tape measure on the first try
- surf internet
- put away laundry
- debate psychological ramifications of discomfort with other people folding my laundry
- consider breakfast possibilities, decide ice cream sounds perfectly reasonable
- take multi-vitamin
- blog

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Fireworks dance across the sky
Bright bursts of light
Never touching ground
Your outstretched hands try
To hold on to them
Hoping to steal them from the wind
Memories are like this
The memories of tonight
Are like this
Slipping through your fingers
Always just out of reach
Nothing stays sharp in this world
Every edge gets soft
Even this memory
This night
These fireworks
So brilliant
Shining in this sky

The Grand Plan

What to do with the rest of my weekend:

- See if I can still make the tail end of a birthday party.
- Go see The Usual Suspects in the park tonight.
- Rearrange new kitchen furniture.
- Finish laundry.
- Start picking paint colours.
- Try and drag reclusive friends out to Sunday brunch.
- Go shopping for something a bit more upscale than jeans and tank tops. Remember to buy Teagan yet another pink hat.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ever have one of those moments...

...when something is totally off-kilter, but it takes a minute to figure out exactly what it is? I had one of those moments today. I was standing alone in the store - a customer walks in, and I immediately feel as though something was off. I couldn't figure out what it was at first - they didn't seem like one of those stealie stealie types you have to watch like a hawk, nor one of the crazy conspiracy theorists we sometimes are besieged with.

Then it hits me.

This woman is wearing a fur lined parka, toque and winter boots.

In July.

*shakes head*

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Uh yeah, remind me not to that again...

Why is it I am surprised when people who have consistently lied to me in the past lie to me again?

There is an Ani lyric for all occasions:

"they say goldfish have no memory
i guess their lives are much like mine
and the little plastic castle
is a surprise every time"

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Happy Birthday, Teagan!

So my little girl is two years old today, and it boggles my mind. That tiny little thing I held in my arms is now a huge toddler, who runs and leaps and tries to kill herself on a near daily basis with all the running and leaping. She can string together two and three word sentences - such important things as "water is wet" and my personal favorite, "Monkey Jane" (thanks InfiniteWaitState). She has recently developed a sense of humour, and makes strange little jokes she finds endlessly amusing.

Since she is mine, she is of course the most adorable child ever invented. She is incredibly joyful, exuberant, headstrong and completely fearless. She has taught me so much in her short time here, not least of which is the endless capacity we humans have to love.

Happy Birthday, Baby!