Sunday, November 19, 2006

I Like How...

... my darling daughter just spilled water* all over the kitchen floor and then ran away. As though if she just left the sink she was happily playing in and went into the living room, I wouldn't notice the giant puddle on the floor, or think that she did it.

A little tip: It helps if you don't start yelling: "Uhoh, dere is a pwuddle!" when you try and make your escape.

*As a side note, I anticipated the puddle. Hence why all the need to be laundered towels are sitting in the kitchen.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem...

So this yarn thing may have gotten a little out of hand. I was cleaning the apartment today and realized I have balls of yarn stashed in every room of the house. There are the two main stashes: the baskets in the dining room and the box in Teagan's closet. This, in theory, is where the yarn goes. Apparently this isn't working so well for me. There is a bag beside the computer. I found another bag in my bedroom. A ball of Merino on Teagan's dresser. The other two balls of the same yarn are stuffed in my Emily bowling bag. A lone ball of sock yarn is in the kitchen next to a box of cereal. There are two balls of cotton on the desk. One stray ball of novelty yarn on the toybox in the hall. A half ball of plain white worsted is stuffed in the bookcase. There is a ball on the kitchen table and one... sitting on my monitor as I type this.