Sunday, April 23, 2006

Words! Words! Words!

Teagan's vocabulary is growing so much these days, these are her new words in the last few weeks:

cookie (of course)
banana (also known as nanananana...)

and my personal favorite:


Friday, April 21, 2006

I Can Die Happy Now...

Teagan has learned a new word.


I was beginning to despair of her ever calling me Mommy, as she much preferred to call me Daddy, even though I knew damn well she knew how to say Mommy even if she chose not to. Every night I would come home and she would run down the hall screaming; "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy." Last week at the park she insisted on calling me Daddy both loudly and repeatedly, which garnered some rather odd looks as people marvelled at how successful the operation must have been. A few more weeks and I would have been fielding gently probing questions on how best to address the transgendered.

A couple of days ago, though, she pointed at my chest and declared me Mommy. Then she pointed proudly at herself and proclaimed; "Baby!"

It was one of those moments that breaks your heart and mends it again all at the same time.

So now, officially, I am Mommy.

Yay me!

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Thursday, April 6, 2006

A Mother's Love is It's Own Reward...

AKA, Things I tell myself when I have the urge to stuff my child in the oven.

A few weeks ago, I crawled into bed and Teagan rolled over in her sleep, grabbed my hand with her little baby hand, and as my heart melted into a little puddle of goo, she sighed; "Daddy."

A couple of days later, a sleeping little angel baby rolled over as I tried to wake her up and sighed sweetly and whispered; "Cookie."

Last night, she rolled over, cuddled her head against mine, and whispered; "Ma...
