Monday, September 14, 2009

Well, Gee Whiz

Having a small child means that often the words in my head don't match the words that come out of my mouth. There is a lot of self censoring in parenting, at least if you have a tendency towards potty mouthery, which I do. I am pretty good at this Pollyanna doublespeak after half a lifetime of working retail. The funny thing is hearing my child say:"Oh shoot!" with the same weird inflection that I get when I am struggling not to say something else.

This rambling actually had little to do with anything today, except that I am working on a project that is giving me fits, and I want to swear. A lot.

I am working on a pair of legwarmers for a friend's daughter, and they are turning out to be quite the frustrating little project. I've done the pattern before, and it is dead simple, but the yarn is being a giant pain. I had two balls of angora yarn to choose from, and the first colourway was a little muddy and dull looking, and just plain bleh, so I undid it. So then I tried it out with the second colour. Now I have this:

stuffnthings 003

What is this, you ask? It is pooling. All the colours are lining up in orderly rows up the length of the project and it isn't so much supposed to do that. (It is much more noticeable in person and I am not letting my perfectionism totally run amok. Really. I promise.) It might be okay looking now, but if I keep on going it will eventually look pretty awful. So I fiddled with the needle size and number of stitches and I am still getting the same effect, only slightly different. So now I am on to yarn choice number three and a project that should have taken me a day or two has stretched on to over a week now without anything to show for it.

Well, shoot.

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