Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me...

I turned thirty-five today. That number seemed impossibly distant and crazy when I was the age my daughter is now. Now, I just want to know when I get a free pass to start taking naps everyday. I was informed today that I either had to have another baby (which really only trades sleeping during the day for not sleeping ever, never at night) or wait until I was at least another 15 years in before I get a nap time.

That seems very unfair.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't 35 a funny age? I'm only a few years past it, but remember defining it as the age my father was when I was old enough to have recollection of it. And yes, when applied to him, a parent, it felt so OLD.

    Now that I am here, I realize hoe truly young it is, and how we really only have begun. Hopefully I will feel that way at 60, the age he is now, when I too get there.

    Sunrise...sunset... lol
