Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Back To Basics

I am in a knitting funk. Everything keeps getting away from me, pretty much literally. If I'm not running out of yarn, then it is unraveling, or getting covered in shampoo, or needles are snapping or sleeves are just plain pissing me off. The last few months has been very disheartening, and finished projects are all but a distant dream.

So I am knitting dishcloths.


I have knit one already, and it was quite a feeling of accomplishment, that little square of finished knitting. I am using the ball band dishcloth pattern from Mason Dixon Knitting and some dishcloth cotton I used in my first dyeing experiment a while back. I am finding these little things surprisingly satisfying.

I always thought knitting dishcloths was a strange waste of time- to knit something that will get dirty and used up, but I found a couple when we moved and they really are fantastic. Once I started knitting my own, I realized that they are really kind of fun - quick and cheerful.


  1. I love that pattern and I LOVE knitted dishcloths.

  2. The pattern is so dead simple, yet really just the cutest damn thing.

  3. Really? I've been kinda scared of it!
