Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this weekend, stuffed full of lovely food and our first project from the Hello Cupcake! book we bought a few weeks ago.

cupcake 003

We went with the Pumpkin Cupcakes, although they were technically a Hallowe'en project. The Turkey cupcakes seemed a little beyond our abilities for a first project, what with the fan shaped cookies for the tail, the mini cupcake heads and the eighty different candies and sprinkles used to decorate the whole thing. There was a very adorable "cupcake wreath" project as well, but even with my unending enthusiasm for cute baked goods I wasn't about to collect and wash 100 maple leaves and then paint them with melted chocolate. That sort of thing falls under the category of Just Not Happening. Not until Miss Teagan can be reliably sent out to gather and wash 100 maple leaves at the very least. I am pretty sure that such insane projects are the reason why children were designed to be easily bribed by the promise of sugar.

The whole thing went really well, considering I decided on this ridiculous project the morning of Thanksgiving, the fact that we had to leave at 1pm to drive for an hour be damned! Other than a fruitless search for green licorice shoelaces that left me cutting green licorice strips into even tinier green licorice strips it all went off without a hitch. We had a nice assembly line going, with my applying the orange icing, and Sweetpea dipping the cupcakes in the orange sprinkles and adding the licorice stems. And eating sprinkles. And licorice stems.

Saturday morning we hosted a Thanksgiving Brunch at our house for my Mom and my stepfather. We would have done dinner, but our evening was going to be filled with singing and dancing at the Backyardigans concert at the NAC. Singing! Dancing! And even more singing! Did I mention the singing? It was a mad crush at the NAC, filled to the brim with excited children clutching their seizure inducing flashing wands at 10 bucks a pop. Through some fluke of the online ticket buying system we ended up with front row center seats, much to Miss Teagan's utter delight. I brought a legwarmer to work on during the performance, and the proximity to the performers gave me pause, but I figured since I can knit while looking attentively at the stage and the poor performers were dressed in giant costumes that allowed very little in the way of visibility, I would go for it and happily knitted for an hour and a half of singing. And dancing!

And singing!

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